What is a hackathon?
A hackathon is an invention and innovation competition for technology. A hackathon is a learning experience where students can come to use technology to learn new software, hardware, skills, and techniques by creating a project with a team of up to 4 people throughout the event.
What is Hack K-State?
Hack K-State is a 36-hour hackathon at Kansas State University organized by students, for students. Our organizing team works year-round to put on the event with tasks such as gathering sponsors, planning events for the weekend, and figuring out logistics with the venue, just to name a few.
Who can attend?
Hack K-State is one of the few hackathons in the region that brings high school and college students together under the same event! Hack K-State is open to high school students, undergraduate college students, and graduate students from any school (in-state and out-of-state!). Some restrictions apply, see rules for details
Registration opens soon!
We're Official.
Registration for Hack K-State will be live in the coming weeks! The hackathon will be in-person this year November 8th-10th 2024. We are open to all high school and college students in the United States Participating in the event is 100% free and no experience is necessary.

Hack K-State Projects Innovate. Invent. Hack.
There is a LOT of vareity of inventions that come out of Hack K-State. Teams with varying level of experiences and backgrounds come together to make their ideas come to life. There are many free tools and hardware (like smart devices) provided during Hack K-State that the hackers can use. From software to hardware and anything in between, your imagination is the limit!
Check out last year's projects »
Want to get involved?
Sponsor. Organize. Mentor.
Get involved with one of the largest combined collegiate and high school hackathon in the midwest! If you are interested in sponsoring, becoming a mentor, helping organize the event, or anything in between, please contact us at hackkstate@ksu.edu.
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